Bobblehead Bunny THE HUB

hello, new visitor! pull up a chair, settle down, and take
the time to look thru this website dedicated to my

i'm vanessa white- tho my friends call me vanny- and this is my own personal
archive of all things fazbears! like many people, this franchise meant a LOT to me
as a kid and i wanted to compile a bunch of stuff together-from rare media like
promotional material+merchandise to personal anecdotes from myself+others.

this isn't a one-man project tho- i have a VERY special friend helping me
out, so expect to see from him sometimes!!!
(he's a little shy- he wants to just go by "bunny" on here)
together, we hope to bring a little bit of our childhoods back to the internet,
and maybe back to YOU too! if you have any special requests/stories
to share/comments, PLEASE reach out to me either HERE or HERE.

as any true fan is aware of, fazbears doesn't have the happiest history. bunny+i
talked a lot about this and decided that it would be disrespectful to ignore the darker
aspects of the franchise- from the DISAPPEARANCES OF 1983 THRU 1987
to WILLIAM AFTON HIMSELF, who's name has become synonymous w/ true crime.
to make sure that we keep this place nice+tidy, the most crossover between these
two aspects will be that they're on the same website- and while bunny+i will work
together on both sides, HE will be taking charge of these darker pages!

with that introduction taken care of, lets get right into things!!! down below
we have included links to some of the main pages for the site- there's no real
glossary (YET? maybe later :--]), so just click around+have fun exploring!

(a little TIP from your friend BUNNY: if you ever find yourself
lost here, click on THIS cake image vvv

and it will take you back to this page ;--))